Sweat it out, together! – A New’s Years Resolution 

December 27, 2018

There have been some studies that have shown that the behavior of others influence us. The more time you spend together, the more you become them. As they say, surround yourself with the people you want to be, those that inspire you and build you up to be a better person. In my experience, it’s nothing but the truth.

One of the best training tips I can give is to find some people or a crew or even one awesome friend/teammate/significant other to workout with. Not only will you find more dedication, motivation, and influence, you may find that you might just inspire others, find new levels of yourself that you never thought possible and even perhaps, achieve those goals you only dreamed about.

Whether it’s a group class, lifting, indoor cycling, or smart trainer workout, one of the best kept ‘secrets’ is working/supporting others in their endeavors. As a pro athlete, I find myself at training camps a few times of the year – totally immersed with a few like-minded individuals for some intense few weeks. I also branched out to reach more of the community by founding, IRACELIKEAGIRL – a women’s endurance community and team.

I’ll flashback to 2016. I was going through a big transition in life. Divorce. Injury. I felt hurt and lonely most of the time and had little motivation to get on a bike…much less get in shape to race. I was sitting alone with my sidekick Zoe (the cutest little Yorkie, you’ve ever seen) against the beautiful landscape in Boulder, Colorado, on a day when I knew I had to make a change. I needed to reconnect with my sense of purpose. And that is where the idea for IRACELIKEAGIRL was born. I knew I wanted to create something bigger than just racing in the triathlon world. I wanted to help others become the best version of themselves, and frankly, I needed to connect myself to something more significant. Our online community is now over 200 members worldwide. I’ve made some great friends and have been able to connect with a crew of women that not only support each other but inspire. It’s been an amazing last two years and I can’t wait to start the new year with new and familiar faces – with team events, meetups, and connecting at races. IRACELIKEAGIRL is now an integral part of who I am as a person, an athlete, coach, friend, and supporter. It’s truly changed how I view triathlon and the community that is so special within this sport.

What are the benefits of training with a group? A community? MANY.
There’s a commitment and accountability involved when you workout with others, you can’t ‘drop out’ without it being noticed. “No shows,” and skipping workouts become a hard thing to do! People start depend on you!

Finding ‘partners in crime’ make you push harder. Have you ever gone to an indoor time trial? I have never, NEVER worked so hard in my life. Doing a 20-min all-out effort on my trainer by myself is difficult. Never am I able to push myself as hard as I find myself in a group effort. Have you ridden Zwift? This online indoor cycling platform is an opportunity to ride with people around the world! I find myself going for the next round, pushing up the hills, searching for a new jersey. It’s highly motivating, and my inner competitiveness shines.

Opting for a group setting, meeting a friend, waking up your significant other for that morning run, for at least a few workouts each week may help you find new levels for 2019. Mental barriers that may be holding you back will be realized as you find yourself challenged more, and the positivity of everyone working toward a goal creates an atmosphere that is hard to be viewed as being the weakest link! Sweat it out, together!

It’s a pretty amazing feeling being part of another athlete’s goals in the sport. Seeing members of our team achieve their goals, fight mental barriers, push themselves in races and inspire each other with their efforts is pretty, damn exciting. I know that when I’m out racing, I’m racing for our team. I know I’m reaching at least one person. And I know that person, is reaching another. It’s the BUTTERFLY EFFECT in FULL effect. There’s a bond that is created online and in the real world. I get excited when I’m racing with another team member, or the chance to meet a member at races and events. When I wear something that says IRACELIKEAGIRL, I’m part of something… a group of women redefining to the world, what it means to race like one!

This post also appeared on Triathlete Magazine Canada.

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